Aug 29, 2024

Fees and financial support for non-UK trainee teachers is available right now.


Financial Support Available Now for Non-UK Trainee Teachers

If you’re a non-UK citizen interested in training to teach in the UK, there’s financial support available to help you get started, whether you currently reside in the UK or abroad.

Bursaries and Scholarships for Language and Physics Teachers

For those aiming to train as languages or physics teachers, two types of financial support are available:

  1. Bursaries: Up to £28,000 for training in languages or physics.
  2. Scholarships: Up to £30,000 for training in French, German, Spanish, or physics.

These bursaries and scholarships are tax-free payments from the UK government, and the best part is—you don’t have to pay them back.

For detailed information and to apply, visit the official website below.๐Ÿ‘‡

Check and Submit Your Application



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