Aug 5, 2024

Commonwealth Innovative Youth Essay Award 2024 (Cash Prizes in British Pounds)

Win Big: £1,000 for First Prize, £500 for Second and Third Prizes!

Applications are now open for the Commonwealth Innovative Youth Essay Award 2024, launched by the Commonwealth Secretariat. The theme for this year’s essay is "Think Trade, Think Green." This competition targets young individuals from Commonwealth countries, encouraging them to explore the complex relation
ship between trade and climate change.

About the Award

Essay Topic: How can trade and trade policy address an aspect of the climate crisis in your country? Identify a specific problem, explain how it is linked to the climate crisis, and clearly describe how trade or trade policy can be used to address it.

Eligibility Criteria

Prizes and Honors

  • First Prize: £1,000
  • Second and Third Prizes: £500 each
  • Publication: The top three essays will be published in the Trade Competitiveness Briefing Series and launched at the October Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in Samoa.

Important Dates

  • Submission Deadline: 21 August 2024
  • Winners Informed: 2 September 2024

Essay Formatting Guidelines

  • Word Limit: Maximum of 2,000 words (including in-text references and footnotes, excluding reference list)
  • Referencing: Full referencing in any style (in-text and reference list)
  • File Format: Entries should be submitted as a single PDF or Word file, with 1.5 spacing, Times New Roman font.

Details to Include

  • Name
  • Age
  • Nationality
  • Contact Information (email, address, telephone)
  • CV or short bio

Criteria of Evaluation

Essays will be judged based on:

  • Writing quality
  • Alignment with international trade policies
  • Originality of ideas
  • Proposed solutions

Application Process

Submit your essay and details to by 21 August 2024.

Visit the Official Website for the Commonwealth Youth Essay Award

Unleash your creativity, tackle critical issues, and stand a chance to win substantial cash prizes while contributing to global discourse on trade and climate change. Good luck!



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