1,000 Fully Funded PhD Scholarships in Finland in 2024 (Apply Now) ~ Owafk-Africa

Apr 2, 2024

1,000 Fully Funded PhD Scholarships in Finland in 2024 (Apply Now)

Finland has exciting news to share! The Finland Ministry of Education and Culture has earmarked EUR 255 million to Finnish universities, paving the way for one thousand Fully Funded PhD Scholarships in Finland from 2024 to 2027. This groundbreaking pilot program is being rolled out across 12 prestigious Finnish universities, offering more than just education—it includes a three-year employment contract.

This first-of-its-kind initiative is offering doctoral researcher positions in various fields such as AI, education, circular economy, cancer medicine, and more. The primary goal is to significantly increase the number of PhD graduates in Finland, addressing shortages identified by the government across various sectors.

Here's a breakdown of the participating universities, the number of scholarships available, and their respective application links:

1. Aalto University: 178 Positions

   [Aalto University PhD Website](link)

2. University of Helsinki: 236 Positions

   [University of Helsinki PhD Website](link)

3. University of Oulu: 98 Positions

   [University of Oulu PhD Website](link)

4. University of Turku UTU: 136 Positions

   [University of Turku PhD Website](link)

5. Lappeenranta University of Technology: 44 Positions

   [LUT PhD Website](link)

6. The University of Eastern Finland UEF: 11 Positions

   [UEF PhD Website](link)

7. University of Jyväskylä JYU: 85 Positions

   [JYU PhD Website](link)

8. Tampereen yliopisto TUNI: 106 Positions

   [TUNI PhD Website](link)

9. University of Vaasa Uwasa: 7 Positions

   [University of Vaasa PhD Website](link)

10. Åbo Academy University: 26 Positions

    [Åbo Academy PhD Website](link)

11. Lapin yliopisto (University of Lapland): 11 Positions

    [University of Lapland PhD Website](link)

12. Svenska handelshögskolan (Hanken School of Economics): 3 Positions

    [Hanken PhD Website](link)

All of these universities are offering a three-year PhD pilot program, providing one thousand fully funded PhD scholarships in Finland.

Here's how you can apply for these exciting opportunities:

1. Determine your designated program.

2. Choose a university and review the available positions.

3. Select your desired course and carefully review the requirements and deadlines.

4. Prepare your documents according to the specified requirements.

5. Apply through the university's portal or follow the instructions provided on their website.

If you're interested in working in Finland, be sure to explore the Finland Work Visa Process. Seasonal workers can also apply for the Finland Seasonal Work Permit.

Don't miss this chance to embark on an enriching academic and professional journey in Finland! Apply now and seize this incredible opportunity for personal and professional growth.



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