Sep 4, 2023

JWH Environment Small Grants for Individuals in Developing Countries

 JWH Environment Small Grants for Individuals in Developing Countries

The Joke Waller-Hunter Initiative is seeking applications for its Grant Program to promote lasting change towards a more sustainable world the environmental movement is in constant need of inspirational and skilful leadership.

The grant is in no case to be used for any activities which do not directly benefit the leadership and learning of the grantee.

The grant money can therefore not be used for:

  • Implementing or developing any projects;
  • Paying indirect costs, administration fees or salaries of other persons besides the grantee.
  • The Joke Waller-Hunter (JWH) Initiative creates opportunities for young people in the environmental sector in developing countries to unfold their full potential.

    By giving small grants to individuals to expand their knowledge, experience and training, the Initiative aims to strengthen environmental Civil Society Organisations capacity and efficiency.

    The mission of the JWH Initiative is thus to provide an accessible and tailored small grant for education and training of individuals who are nominated by their organisation as potential future leaders.

    Award Information

    The following grants are available per round:

  • 10 grants of 2.500 Euro
  • 4 grants of 5.000 Euro
  • 2 grants of 7.000 Euro


  • The nominator should be someone who knows the candidate well and is familiar with her/his aims and goals and can vouch for her/his bona fides. Self-nomination is in no case accepted by JWH Initiative.
  • Candidates should be ‘young’ people who work or are affiliated with environmental CSO’s in developing countries and emerging economies who have shown potential for and interest in further developing their leadership.

    (They generally define ‘young’ as individuals under 35 years of age. However, it mainly refers to people who work in junior positions in their organisations who have the potential and ambition to develop into a leadership role.)

  • The candidate, furthermore, has proof of an excellent track record in: fully embracing the idea of sustainable development with a focus on ecological sustainability; being committed to working for the CSO sector; showing potential and ambition towards becoming a leader in his/her field of work, such as being inspirational to others, working with communities, etc.
  • Application for nominations must be done in English.
  • The information provided should be typed appropriately in the spaces provided in the nomination form.
  • All fields need to be filled in.
  • Failure to fill in the form correctly and completely might render the nomination invalid.

    For more information and application details, see; JWH Environment Small Grants for Individuals in Developing Countries

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